Slow Baked Apples

Slow Baked Apples

  • 7 small Gala Apples

  • ¼ cup Raisins

  • ¼ cup Dried Cranberries

  • ¼ cup chopped nuts

  • ¼ cup Maple Syrup

  • 1 tsp. Cinnamon

  • ¼ cup Sugar

  • 6 Gingersnaps, crushed


  1. Peel apple 1/4 at top and core, taking care not to remove the bottom of the apples.

  2. Mix raisins, cranberries and nut. Fill center of apples. Top each apple with about 1 tsp. butter. Mix cinnamon and sugar and set aside.

  3. Drizzle maple syrup over the apples; sprinkle with mixture of cinnamon and sugar.

  4. Cover, place on Slow Cooker base and cook on #4 for 30 to 40 minutes or until apples are fork tender. Do not overcook as the apples will lose their shape.

  5. Remove apples to serving dishes. Place 2 qt. Slow Cooker utensil on the stove top on medium heat. Cook liquid until it thickens, 6- 8 minutes. Drizzle sauce over apples. Sprinkle crushed ginger snaps on top and serve.

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